So a few weeks ago my dad who I see a few times a year these days phoned me up and asked what I was doing for Christmas, I told him the normal, staying at home eating to much, drinking to much and falling asleep whilst watching some (No Swearing Please) on TV. He must have thought this sounded great fun so invited himself along. His passing comment was "do you still use the same weight" so I replied yes. To give some context my dad is the reason I play cricket as he got me into it as a child, I used to watch in awe as he smashed the ball what seemed miles each weekend. He took me to all my colts games, spent hours in the garden practising and teaching me. He also is the reason for my bat addiction. He always believed in seeing and getting hand made bats, he introduced me to Salix when I was 14 and had my first hand made bat and always took me there each year for my birthday.
Anyway back on track. I have been emailing him the last few days asking why did he ask that question. He just said it was a suprise. So today I was running around London all day going from meeting to meeting on the tube. When I finally got back to the office and checked some emails he had sent me these pics with the caption Happy Christmas.
Now I have never owned a Hawk and to be totally honest never really gave them much of a thought. Will be interested to see what this is like in the flesh. My weight is 2.9 which knowing my dad this will come in dead on weight. He visited and choose this on ping so he told me when I spoke to him earlier. This is a pro model which looking on there website is G1/2 willow. i would say this is more G2, wide grain (this is something he always looked for when he played, said they lasted longer and played better). also looks like quite a big bat with large profile. He did always have good bats himself so hopefully this will be a cracker. He is coming to stay for a couple of weeks over Christmas and will be here Thursday so hopefully he will let me take some more pics then. For the time being here goes