There is an amazing variation in subs/match costs being posted here!
My club (2 saturday teams and a thurs evening league) is;
Subs £40 (just up from £35 which caused alot of discussion at the AGM!). Not sure what it is for youths/unemployed etc, but it is reduced.
Weekend Match fee both home and away £7, (£5 concession) - which gets you your tea & pays umpire & scorer (although these are often not present so surplus goes to club pot). Think Thur is either £1 or £3.
Our winter nets are fully subsidised by club - which I think is madness but is an amazing deal as it's the ECB place in loughborough.
Now considering you are getting free 'world class' nets (I assume its WC as it's the ECB place) you would think we would have to fight people back as we only have 1 lane - but often it's a core 6/7 players who attend.
Ground is really nice with a decent deck, but club house is severly in need of work. We have one fixed outdoor net which is free but 'tired'. No clothing provided. If enough people want to get a shirt/cap they organise a group buy, but wearing of such is not mandatory for our games.
We are lucky in that our ground is owned by the parish Council who rent to us/football/couple of others for a sensible fee.