Just as a bit of an update to this - we had a great session last night with Procricket Dave, FattusCattus (Brucie), myself, Batoff, the Stig and a mate of Dave's had a small gathering at the barn last night.
The bats examined were a few different B3 bats - a butterfly, a crown and some of Dave's battered match bats, my MSR Butterfly, a GM Icon. Oh and the Monger.
Firstly, the Stig refused to even touch the Monger.
However as mentioned, Procricket absolutely loved it (there may be video evidence of this)
Dave had a 3lbs 2 weapon which was my favourite - it genuinely picked up like a 2lbs 11 bat. I was staggered.
Brucie - I am not sure what your favourite was.
The Stig struggled with the lighter bats belonging to Dave (Stig really isn't a 2lbs 6 man...) he liked the B3 butterfly but made grunting noises about the thinness of the handle.
The MSR butterfly went well with the bola balls, but wasn't great with a real cricket ball. Perhaps it needs more knocking in.
Batoff was an enigma and said they were all pretty good.
We have agreed we need to do some more testing.
There are some more videos being uploaded
Thanks for all and especially Dave, it was a really fun evening.
Thanks especially to Brucie for fixing the lighting which made a huge difference to netting in the barn