My biggest item to purchase was a bat..Which I have no complains about what so ever as promised and as advertised the bat is the same quality as the the ones sold on the UK and Aussie market.. Now think about this like I mentioned for me to buy a SUB Zero in the US is about 310-320.. But for 335 I got a bat, pads and gloves.. So for $15 roughly 10GBP I get pads and gloves included.. Thats still an amazing bargain..
And its not like these pads and gloves are total trash, they just aren't what Aidy thought he was getting.. Am I right Aidy?? Ya if I thought I was getting a BMW with a Navigation system and ended up getting one without it would it mean that the one with out it is trash??
Plus OnlineStockist site never claimed to be selling the UK/Aussie market pads.. So in order to get a good deal a little risk has to be taken I guess.. Plus if some1 is that worried about it ask them to send you a pic of the product before you agree to buy.. I did and they sent me bunch of pics and answered all my questions.. I would still keep buying from them without a doubt..
I guess with my part time job as a onlinsestockist sales representative is over for now so I shall get back to India's match..