Grade 1 clefts are about 4-7% of an order and like has been posted there is a min order to even be able to get G1 clefts. Fact.
Grading in the industry has no rhyme or reason and is all pretty much done by the pod shaver or the brand owner. We have all seen companies charge anything from £150 (solitaire) to £700 Gray Nicolls and as has been mentioned there are many reasons to explain how these prices are reached. Normally the 1man band has lower priced bats but he has just himself to look after. When you employ people have premises etc it gets 10 fold more expensive. Try renting a business premises for less than £10k per annum plus rates etc. that's minus money before you even order you clefts, grips, decals etc.
At the end of the day it's all business end of. If you can buy a low end cleft G4 etc and market it too a market that's happy to pay x amount and that gives you for example 800% markup take your hat off to that man don't knock him. If you choose to pay that's your choice and can't be knocked for that, the great thing about opinions is there just that there is no wright or wrong. In fact many admire a brand that does just this and I also admire the business brain behind this. Do I agree with it? Well yes actually we all aim for the best be it the best bat to the best from life so do how you see fit. As long as your honest in what you do and offer than that would be good enough. Finally don't like it or agree find a brand you do agree with but respect the fact someone is aiming to make a living.