It got a bit jumbled if you want one please contact B3 on 0115 9770198 ask for streaky......HAHA
As yesterday thread got a bit all over the place here the bats left. My favourite is the off set edge pro shape
Bat 1 £299 including postage will finish at 2-10 lovely bat .
Dw2 kalimarr profile

Bat 2
at E
DB1 2-8 finished £127.50 posted

Bat F Misbah sample £100 2-12 and half finished initial sample


Im not allowed to say who it was for but it was his first sample his very first it has a flat toe and is a beast.
2-12 players first sample i stickered it up as a 2 stripe and it will play better than any bat today plain and simple.

This bat is 170 quid for today only plain and simple it is a one off bat which was given to me as my players bat.
This bat is quality
I can reserve for you but you will need to pay within 2 hours of reserving please