Bought the Kingsgrove Epic II glove - got them in RH Small Mens. They are light and very soft, but be warned small mens means small/ very small mens, and I have the hand's of a gynaecologist.
They fit my slim size 8, 5ft 4inch wife very well. Having worn SS Whiteouts and looking for something cheap to save them for best I went for The Epic II. It is my mistake because SS (makers of my favoured glove) I thought were known for being small even for standard sized men's gloves, and I bought those in standard men's size.
Given that Kingsgrove is an Aussie store, I made the mistake of assuming the standard Epic would be a genuine standard size and therefore I would need a small men's glove but the small men's is truly tiny
I bought them online so a cheap pair of gloves has been a false economy. My fault. I know now.