Its a tough question.
I believe that the league does not often know what personnel the club will have available, the club must also be wondering who their players will be until winter nets etc. By which time major decisions will have been made.
Our league of 8 divisions as never placed anyone higher than Div 3, we went in 3 and went up back to back. This is the president the league has now set and it will be reluctant, rightly or wrongly to change.
Its one of the down sides to what alot of the leagues did in splitting the first and second team leagues.
Team need to find own level, however an educated guess should be made as to standard. Brook Walton 2s in Div 8 is a joke, I would have gone 5 and finding own level from that point. I guess they would go up maybe twice. I here the opponents won the Toss against Brook Walton, put them in then proceeded to moan!! HELLO!!