Do you think many of these brands are outright lying, or just spinning their circumstance for the benefit of marketing?
Again, saying a Newbery Platinum bat is handmade in England by Newbery's master batmakers could also be conceived as a reasonable bit of spin. It's not lying, but Newbery outsource their work and the company they do outsource to use one of the most advanced CNC machines in the UK.
For me it depends on the company and the relationship. There are companies who stick their stickers on the bats of an Asian manufacturer with no input into the design, shape or bats full stop. At times I question what they add to the industry, but generally speaking the customers see through this and they remain bedroom brands and don't expand much beyond that. Companies like Kookaburra, Adidas or New Balance genuinely do believe in the quality of their products as it reflects on the whole brand. So whilst their batmaker may not be sat in the German, Australian or American office; they do have a close business relationship.