I wanna join that club!!
That is nice, love the colours.My current masuri is too old to sell and not knackered enough to merit buying another lid.
It's a full size helmet (mens). It's comfortable and the vision is superb. It's an old version so they are a lot better now for comfort I would assume compared to mine.
Me Too !
I am joining it now As nice as you think masuri feels, ayrtek will be better.. i had a masuri ti and didn't think it could get any better but apparently it can! Ayrtek all the way, worth the extra money too...
ask tom what happens to a masuri under impact from a cricket ball. I don't wanna be taking the risk.
think it just cracked and disintergrated...cracking can lead to head injuries too i tihnk. the peak and bit above is dangerous as ball just hits it and goes in, doesnt reflect off...something like that. didnt stand up too well!
i mean it probably came up second best after ayrtek!