I will confess I know nothing of the India economy, which is why I covered both bases with my last post. It was purely guesswork on my part if they could live on that wage or not.
It is heartbreaking that craftsman producing high quality goods cannot afford to live comfortably, especially when their products are sold for such a high price (and in turn, markup).
without wishing to start a whole new subject/thread/argument! this is perhaps the reason some of us stick to UK made bats, it's not necessarily because they are always better quality,it's the big gulf between the costs to start with and the end price to the consumer.Most of us know if we want a hand made bat in this Country costs will be a certain level and that's to be expected.
More and more big manufacturers are outsourcing to India and Pakistan,and that's entirely up to them, aside from the Sports direct warehouse,the reduction is costs are generally not passed on.