You can tell him he's wrong all you wants, but he won't listen.
He moans and moans that the game is dying, but he doesn't realise him and his team is why!
If the oppo score to many runs, they refuse to chase.
If they don't have a full strength 11 out, they refuse to try and win.
If the oppo aren't all perfect, they refuse to play them.
When they play a poor friendly side, they believe retiring at 100 off 65 balls is a sporting thing to do.
All I see is a sore bunch of losers, quick to moan but unwilling to change.
These kids you keep sending to the apparent poor opposition, they will get fed up off being sent, and rather than find a new club, just sod it off all together. And then you'll be on here claiming the "poor attitude oppo" has cost you some more juniors.
Nope! You and your 1st xi will have cost you some juniors by acting like spoiler brats.