The off-season impulse buys continue.
Saw this profile on their FB video and had to get it. It is very very similar to the DW shape, and the B3 Mullanator (one of my all-time favorite bats), and so it was hard to resist. They call it the "mega mid-high" profile.
Edges: 38-40mm
Spine: around 67mm I think
Weight: 2lb 11 oz (James expects it to gradually come down to my desired weight of 2 lb 10, similar to what happened with the Reserve he made for me last year)
Handle: extra thick oval - a thinner handle would have probably weighed about an ounce or two less.
Minimal concaving (I've realized the extra full domed shape doesn't pick up well enough for the weakling that I am, so a tiny amount of concaving was part of the request....still pretty full shape)
And here are the pics...the first one is from their FB page.
And now we watch the weight!