I wonder if anyone can help. First though I should like to mention this isn't a post in order to try to sell any bats on here. Anyhow to the point, I have never sold a cricket bat before, preferring to give them away as I am not an eBay user, and find it difficult to ascertain used value when passing on to team mates, therefor find it easier to just pass the bat on, and lets be honest making space in the bat cupboard is reward in itself allowing for the search and acquisition of a replacement.
I have had a busy winter on the acquisition front and hence have decided to get rid of a few within my team. As such I wondered for those with experience of buying and selling used bats, whether there is a rough guide to stick to in terms of a % of original purchase price, and how that changes with age and use. Obviously there with be the odd exception like a scat that won't be within the usual guidelines, but for a normal bat from any of the sponsors, I wonder whether there would be a rough guide, say 75% for unused, 50% for
light use 25% for heavy use.