So I picked this up recently, one of the group of "net" bats made by Blank Bats.
As you can see, it's not the prettiest bat in the world. In fact, it looks better in the pictures than in person. Wobbly grains, heartwood, speckled in places and a dark patch on the back. Does that matter, not to me.
Pick up was my main concern, with lots of wood down in the hitting area, I am very pleased with the pick up. Feels like there is just the right amount of weight and balance for me. I have found I hold my shape better with this bat and can control the shots very well.
Performance is really good. Having a couple of light net sessions, the middle looks to be big and forgiving. The ball rockets off it. There is a strange feel when you hit the ball outside of the middle, but that will go in time and knocking in.
This is going to sit at number 2 in my bat choices, behind the Dynadrive but I can quite easily see me upping this to number one and using this regularly in games.
I am going to remove the B&S stickers and the bat face, give it a freshen up and an oil then it will be ready. Once this is done, I'll update the thread.
If anyone can get hold of one of these, in your weight range, I would highly recommend picking one up.
Jaffa, stolen your pics for the time being, hope you don't mind.