In theory I reckon you could take a picture from the Internet and print it off on some sticky back vinyl. And then put a scuff sheet over the top to stop the colours from running, probably take a fair bit of trial and error and not sure on the longevity of it but might be worth a go
Im sure
@shax12 would love to give you a high res shot of one of his beauties. Or just have a look in the best grains comp. Photoshop it into the right shape and size, print it on adhesive vinyl, cover it with a great scuff sheet, and boom, you have a tiny bit heavier lovely looking grainy bat.
Would love to see this project done.
Edit: And you would need a specialized printer, as you would have to conceal the face all the way up. Which would be bigger than an A4 size. Remember if its blank to paste a splice in there somewhere..