yeah this was my thinking,
anyone ever smelled the sweet scent of linseed from a batmakers knock?
I got down and dirty oiling two GN Legends last week before knocking them in, amongst other bats too.
Yes the vast majority of knocking in centres around the edges and toe as these are the weakest area. Some people still regard knocking in as spending tens of hours hammering away on the middle, as well as all manner of traditional approaches; throw downs, nets with old balls, short/slip catching etc. The way modern bats are pressed means this is less important, especially with the advances in anti scuff sheets. I'm not saying we don't hit the middle/face of the bat with our lignum mallet, but it does get less attention than the vulnerable areas.
It's an extremely hard balancing act. There are some customers who will say a bat isn't knocked in if they notice the tiniest of tiny seam marks when whacking a brand new ball with a sharp seam. There are other customers who for example make a purchase on a wednesday/thursday including knocking in, and then on friday/saturday they are on the phone demanding to know why their bat hasn't been delivered for the weekend.....
In short it is hard to keep everyone satisfied, demands for both instant delivery and also instant usability have meant retailers and batmakers have changed the way bats are made, sold and prepared. There is still an old school customer base who want to play their bat in for weeks/months on end using a mallet, old balls, throw downs etc before even dreaming of letting it loose in a game.
I'm confident any bat we knock in is ok to use as soon as it has been received by the customer, especially if it has an anti scuff sheet. My advice to anyone is to avoid the new ball for as long as possible when using your new bat, so openers/top order players or guys who go to nets with team mates who have a habit of using brand new sports direct dirt balls, keep your brand new bats out of the spotlight for a while.
You can take this too far though and never actually use your bat! Bats are supposed to be used, and they will pickup up minor damage on the way. If anyone wants an ornament instead of a bat, i'll happily sell you one