cricket is very much an old boys club. But if you spend enough then ultimately money always talks. Wrights say they haven't taken on new customers for years, yet on the flipside we have B3 on this very forum....
Truer words have never been spoken!
A few years ago I got a bit tired of wait times from manufacturers- especially on newer profiles etc - got really keen on bat manufacturing - found all info, met all the right people on how to start, saved enough to start with a couple of hundred clefts and just gave up after a while- so much run around. JS Wrights have a monopoly on the clefts so they can change the prices/terms as they go. Manufacturers cannot and do not complain even if they want(ed) to.
Also WSB, grading between wrights and anglian is sooo different. So many different grades. So be apples to oranges for your purposes.
Also, if you dont mind me asking roughly how many clefts have you got? That would help with advice.
Best of luck in any case. We need more people selling willow, thats for sure!