@WSB .
Came across this thread looking for something else, but thought i'd drop a reply.
Not a maker/manufacturer, but i like toe guards on my bats in good order. I found myself going through them quite quickly so was looking for a cost effective option.
After trying the eBay route, i've ended up putting on mens business shoe soles. I referenced them when i did a quick review of my B3 Mullinator here:
http://custombats.co.uk/cbforum/index.php?topic=40758.msg649701#msg649701Here is an eBay link to some as well:
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/SHOE-REPAIR-1-5MM-Industrial-Grade-TOPY-Soles-Mens-Ladies-shoes-Rubber-Soles-/121279465519?var=&hash=item1c3cd1c82f:m:mBECA6es7C0RJvlgyX_zUuwHere is my reasoning for using the shoe soles instead of genuine toe guards:
This year, I've started using mens dress shoe resoles instead of genuine cricket bat toe guards. Couple of reasons:
a. Price - one pair of resoles were about $16 on eBay, delivered. This will allow me to make six toe guards if you pre-cut, more if you apply directly. A two pack of genuine retails for about $12, so they are about half price for the same number of toe guards.
b. Quality/durability - I'd been going through three or four toe guards a season. When they start to wear, i replace the whole thing instead of 'repairing' with shoe goo. The one on my bat is the same one since i first applied. At this rate, my six guards are going to last well over two seasons.
This works out at $5.33 per season compared to $36 per season...
While i couldn't answer you directly about the sheets, I've found this alternative.
I'm also thinking about talking to my local boot repairer to see if they have sheets (Topy sell sheets as well as cut soles) to see if they have any.