Not a reflection on Asad as he says he's not in control of how GN choose to price their bats and he picks the best of what he finds BUT there has got to come a point soon where cricketers get value for money again. Especially in this price bracket. GN are doing themselves a disservice by making the legend what it has now become. It's just a standard bat to my eyes now, with as much margin for error as buying any other off the shelf. I've had LE's from them over the years that were better than many of the Legends you see some retailers stocking. A true legend bat as far as I'm concerned,for that money, should be the dogs danglies, whatever shape you want, visit to Robertsbridge, cup of tea with them as they make your bat to your spec from a selection of truly exceptional clefts. No way am I parting with 600 notes for anything less. In fact I'd rather pay more and have that and just dispense with this middle ground that doesn't benefit anyone.
@Uzi Sports remember that Dynadrive a few years ago I almost bought but chose to go for an E41, both made from legend clefts?? Now those were proper bats!!! The dynadrive was massive! And only 2.8. Still regret not buying that, love to know who snapped it up in the end and how it performed. That's my biggest bat regret ever.