Just putting this put there - could we, as a group of nerds handle such a cataclysmic event?
I'm talking about a 3-4 hour net at Serious Cricket Dummer, interspersed with visits to the Serious Cricket shop and if we were really lucky, pressing our noses to the glass of Dan Chase's workshop.
Then, down to the local pub for dinner, and quite a few pints. A nice little part of the bar where we can all appraise each others weapons and indulge in a little horse-trading - and some more beer.
After this, some Jaeger-bombs and a bit of dancing on the bar, then a game of tape-ball cricket at midnight in the pub carpark, followed by a bit more beer.
Finally, cigars and port, then we all retire to our luxurious hotel rooms in the hotel next door, and sleep the happy dreams of the willow-obsessed.
Cooked breakfast on the morning, then we all go home to our miserable wives.
Seriously - split the cost of a net, add in the cost of a decent pub dinner and share a hotel room (for £30 a head!!!) this could be a reality for the brave ones!
The following people need not apply:
Dodgy Bat Sellers
People who Like the Sound of their Own Voices
Very quick Bowlers
Short Angry People
Northern 'Chip on the Shoulder' Types
People Unable to Laugh at Themselves
I'm thinking late January, after pay-day................. could this happen?