I've been using my previous bat, which is approx 10 years old. The thing is it used to be a gun....nowadays the middle is okish...seems small, but compared to my newer bat, it seems vastly inferior. Is this just a mental thing, or can bats just die?
Bats do die But compared to 10 years ago modern bats are miles apart when it comes to ping
I don't think they are that far apart. The best pinging bat I've ever used was a Gunn & Moore Purist, and that's about as far removed from the big edged modern bats as you can get!
@edge I've used it about 3 or 4 times. Maybe the middle is just smaller than my newer bat?
Neither , its a place where bats are celebrated & shown how they have changed over the years . Plus who else but harry would dedicate a room for people to come & experience it , the really good stuff he hides in his boardroom & closet.