On a bat buying spree even though I am an average weekend player. Maybe because I did not get to buy one as a kid.
As mentioned in the other thread here is the review of the bat. Contacted BDM and they gave me a local contact whom I knew. Was able to pick from various bats including Titanium and Dynamic Power Super. He had 7-8 bats for each bat type in various weights. Surprisingly all the bats were really huge with no concaving and not that heavy either.
Picked this one as it was really light 2.7 and picked great.
Thick profile with no real concaving
41mm edges and roughly 62-64 spine
Almost 20 straight grains
Pings really great in mid to low region and even real close to the toe
After oiling/knocking, putting additional grip and applying a thousand tapes (I could not stop the store owner) the bat weighs around 2.95 but still pick up like 2.75.
Store guy said don't knock more with a wood mallet as it will open up grains a lot more. He recommended playing in the game directly or in nets with old balls. I am still learning from this forum.