This is a good thread to have for everyone to document their progress, feelings, questions etc, I have lost 10kg in the last few years and my body composition has changed drastically. I would just advise that you try to eat healthily and in a balanced manner because personally I find that as soon as you start cutting carbs for example, the second you add carbs back in, your body struggled to process it. By all means if it works for you then go ahead, if you find lower carb diets work for you then I'd personally use carb cycling which is essentially you have high and low days and your high carb days fall on training days where you are typically more active and your low carb days are on your rest/less active days. Helped me lose a load of flab.
Also as an aside, many family members have done things like slim fast and hated it because liquid calories don't fill you up and are a crap alternative to real food, and any weight lost on such a plan typically makes a reappearance a month or so later