im sure you could have got them down to 200 on the bat as tony jane and sue are great people i bought venom, pads, gloves x2 thigh pads and i got around 80 pound off aswell as few free grips! as i kinda know them! they also rang me when fozzie was in bcause they always give us good deals on stuff for being regular customers over the years and know people from our clubs and kinda sponsor our club, also gave us free autograph bat in front of fozzzie, oh and for the record cooks bat is a warsop! seen it myself! (wasnt meant to say anything but bopara has a few warsops (Gm id)
and there is absoultely no difference bewtween "no antidote" and "venom pro" its just the stickers! so you have just wasted money when if u wud have asked they wud have stuck new stickers on for you there and then for 25!! or stick them over the top me and a few mates have had it done when we had red and green and black venoms we just went there and all got venom pro's in pink for a night game we had, but never the less a great bit of wood, i just dont like warsops anymore as they cant make a 2 8 one or its very hard and it still picks up very heavy as my venom pro pink was made for me hence sold without using! however the 2 10-2 13 ones pickup like a heavyish 2 9 so they really are great bats just not for me!