After having a catch-up with Tai about bats as always he tempted me by these absolute weapons and I can only say these bats have got better since my involvement
So the bats
bb b20- 2.9
49mm edge
Always been tempted by one of these monsters, what not to love massive all over pick up is incredible for such a lump. Performance is as good as anything. But what impressed me the most is the pressing. It seems like the pressing on these flat face bats is up there with the dome face I always used to request on my bats from the barn.
At £150 I really don’t think there’s a bat out there that comes close.
Bat 2
bb root edition 2.10
37mm edge
67mm spine
What I love most about this bat is the oval handle it is perfect and I am very fussy when it comes to handles
Looks wise this bat is also stunning.
Dome face- which sounds like a gun with the mallet all over the blade.
The pressing on this bat is as good as I have seen/heard and again a bargain at £225.
bb bats are the best value for money bats out there atm. UK made by the best and pressing you would pay a lot lot more for with bats that wore different stickers
Now for the good part