Some manufacturers definitely press differently (softer) for pro bats (just look
@sarg review of the bradbury he had in a while back ....customer asked for it to be pressed just like it would be for a sponsored pro).....this is proof to anyone whomay say pro pressing never happens/is a myth).
I think all manufacturers have their own ideas , it varies . Some will pressapro bat a lot softer , some believe if they try to press each bat for optimum performance then they don't need to try to differentiate between pro and amateur pressing. Then on top of this , players have their own requests and requirements too.
I have come across a fair few probats that felt like they were unicorns , like nothing you'd see in a shop. That was down to pressing , at least to a degree , but I'm sure the cleft selection had something to do with it aswell.
Ultimately bats are made from natural materials and mysterious things can happen ......theres always the chance of a pro getting a dud once a blue moon , and theres always a chance of us clubbies getting a pro performing bat off the shelf/ from a batmaker too.