Crowdfunding- Your thoughts please
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Ayrtek Cricket

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Crowdfunding- Your thoughts please
« on: December 27, 2018, 02:40:21 PM »

Has anyone had any significant experience in crowd funding?

I’d like to expand the helmet range further with the introduction of the Trad range with a plastic shell and EPS liner as well as the Air liner options. However as I’ve recently set-up Ayrtek Cricket Ltd as stand alone business from the parent company I founded back in 07 and purchased all the Cricketing IP I’m looking at crowd funding as a way to fast track the products to market.

Would people back a project based upon getting a product at an “early-bird” price for a helmet eg a titanium grille Model at £100 instead of full RRP once produced/launched at £220 for example.

Or £50 for a Steel grille helmet that would be £100 at launch.

I guess what I’m trying to gauge is what level would people feel comfortable in backing at project at that will realistically take 9-12 months to come to market as a fully certified product.

Thanks in advance for any help or assistance as it will no doubt provide useful 👍
« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 02:48:35 PM by Ayrtek Cricket »


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Re: Crowdfunding- Your thoughts please
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2018, 02:51:00 PM »

It sounds like a good option to take but numbers would be the key to success. I'm sure you'll have done all the calculations Tom on what you need to get in order for it to be successful, but CBF is a very niche small audience and I think you'll need to make sure you  can reach a broader market.
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Re: Crowdfunding- Your thoughts please
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2018, 02:57:22 PM »

Hi mate, yeah I’d obviously spread it further afield than just CBF members but as with a lot of my research and development work the forum proves a great resource as it has such a varied audience in terms of demographic, geographic and people with different levels of disposable income to Quiz 👍

I’d have a staged process where X amount means I can cover Y models and if we reach Z then further models can be done etc.


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