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Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« on: January 14, 2020, 10:21:59 PM »

My fitness at the moment is pretty poor due to having a bit of a f**k it year due to having a scare with the Big C, basically living life to the fullest and now I'm suffering because of it athletically. However I'm trying to do a bit more (running etc..) to improve this, I don't want to go to the gym and bore myself to death, if I had a specific plan or set of exercises geared towards cricket (mainly batting) it would give me that extra motivation.

Has anyone got a plan they use and would be willing to share?


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2020, 10:49:00 PM »

100 push ups 100 squats a day plus flexibility yoga. I go with any video I could find on YouTube plus some core exercises at home. Well that's what I am doing at moment.
Try fresh carrot and beetroot juice squeezed at home 50:50 ratio. Heard it does help in Cancer


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2020, 11:18:07 PM »

Hope all's well mate, scary business that!

I consider myself pretty active and fit for 42, but I need to shed some weight pre-season. Batting wise I'd consider looking to work on core strengthening and leg work for power, but also balance and flexibility exercises too. Couple this up with some cardio, internal training or high interval stuff for fat burning/general fitness.

If its just shedding pounds then diet is really important obviously. I just cut the sugary rubbish, sat fast and booze as much as poss for a while and exercise.

If you'd rather not hit the gym then there's plenty you can do at home. I've got in shape before by doing various at home workouts like T25 or similar.

Ultimately getting professional advice will always give better results and will shorten time taken to reach goals. Will also ensure proper form etc to minimize chance of injury too.

Good luck mate


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2020, 11:18:44 PM »

Think I may have to build myself up to 100 push ups and sit ups!

Thanks for the juice recommendation.


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2020, 11:25:17 PM »

Hope all's well mate, scary business that!

I consider myself pretty active and fit for 42, but I need to shed some weight pre-season. Batting wise I'd consider looking to work on core strengthening and leg work for power, but also balance and flexibility exercises too. Couple this up with some cardio, internal training or high interval stuff for fat burning/general fitness.

If its just shedding pounds then diet is really important obviously. I just cut the sugary rubbish, sat fast and booze as much as poss for a while and exercise.

If you'd rather not hit the gym then there's plenty you can do at home. I've got in shape before by doing various at home workouts like T25 or similar.

Ultimately getting professional advice will always give better results and will shorten time taken to reach goals. Will also ensure proper form etc to minimize chance of injury too.

Good luck mate

Weirdly a mate of mine has the T25 and offered it to me, think I'll give that a go as I'm working from home a fair bit at the moment. Thanks mate.


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2020, 12:11:24 AM »

No probs. I did it when I was relatively fit but needed to trim down and wasn't a member of a gym. Along with a sensible diet it worked, but it's not as easy as you'd think easy. Although only 25 mins at a time it's a commitment too, as its every day pretty much. Well worth it tho as it does work if you're strict with yourself.


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2020, 12:40:56 AM »

It's got to be diet first. See if you can go vegan for the next 6 months + last meal by 6:00 pm followed by breakfast after 8:00 am next day.

I do high intensity running on the treadmill (very high incline + high speed) for around 5 mins, 2 -3 sets.

This is followed by light weights. You can make a schedule for this.

I close my session with skipping rope workout (count of ~500 jumps).

This has helped me immensely with my strength, flexibility and endurance.



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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2020, 06:01:47 AM »

I love T25 and insanity. They are excellent for cardio. In particular improve core and agility - which helped in my fielding in the circle.

However, you got to hit the gym and weights to improve strength. Not saying go heavy but some weight training will help

Treadmill running is good too but prefer T25 over running as its less repititive


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2020, 09:14:00 AM »

It's got to be diet first. See if you can go vegan for the next 6 months + last meal by 6:00 pm followed by breakfast after 8:00 am next day.

I do high intensity running on the treadmill (very high incline + high speed) for around 5 mins, 2 -3 sets.

This is followed by light weights. You can make a schedule for this.

I close my session with skipping rope workout (count of ~500 jumps).

This has helped me immensely with my strength, flexibility and endurance.

Mind me asking why you are suggesting veganism?


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2020, 09:53:21 AM »

As much as I can see the benefits of going Vegan (excessive trumping aside) I just can't do it, I'll never be pushing for a test place so I'll still be having a bit of cheat on the weekend, nothing mental but I will go Mental if I don't go out and socialise, I don't drink at home and only have beer if I'm in a pub which is only 1-2 times a month. Sugar and rubbish like that is being kicked out completely but with two kids there is always that temptation in the house!!

So Far I have the T25 that I'll do, I am doing the couch to 5k also. I have a set of Kettle bells too, although not heavy weights I do have a few, I think I'll scour youtube for some kettle bell workouts.

Thanks all for the advice and tips. 



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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2020, 10:06:23 AM »

Mind me asking why you are suggesting veganism?

Within a week of moving to ONLY plant based diet, I lost 4 kilos, felt 10 kilos lighter. I got quicker on my feet. Same portion sizes..


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2020, 10:15:02 AM »

In terms of cricket specifics you want to build up cardio and core strength. Personally I'd be running 5x a week, because LISS cardio burns more calories than HIIT does because you can go for longer doing LISS and often people don't do HIIT right and therefore don't get the benefit. You want to be doing an absolute minimum of 20 mins cardio daily, be that walking uphill running climbing stairs etc etc. In terms of working out, t25 is decent from what I heard. Kettlebells are also pretty good for a full body workout, if I were you I'd get to a gym and focus on compound movements - squat bench deadlift, as they recruit the most muscle groups and therefore give you the best bang for your buck. There are plenty of free programs on the Internet which are fairly good, but also if you join a gym often they will give you a personal exercise plan free. May be worth looking into.

With regards to diet. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest that veganism is a cleaner or healthier way of living. If anything the science suggests that vegan diets are lacking in protein. So don't worry if you don't want to go vegan.

Ultimately its calories in vs calories out. If you burn more than you eat, you'll get leaner and vice versa.

I will say however, try to stick to clean foods such as lean protein lots of veg and complex carbs such as brown rice. This will help you lower your caloric intake too.


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2020, 10:15:52 AM »

Within a week of moving to ONLY plant based diet, I lost 4 kilos, felt 10 kilos lighter. I got quicker on my feet. Same portion sizes..
Out of interest, what are you substituting your meat based protein too? what about milk etc...


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2020, 10:17:51 AM »

Within a week of moving to ONLY plant based diet, I lost 4 kilos, felt 10 kilos lighter. I got quicker on my feet. Same portion sizes..

Fair enough and congratulations on the weight loss and finding something that works for you. However, the reason you've lost weight isn't because you've switched to a plant based diet. It's because you've found a way to lower your caloric intake. Calories in vs calories out is king when it comes to weight loss. Also, the feeling lighter on your feet is to do with the weight loss, not the vegan diet. 4 kilos in a week is predominantly water weight as well, due to a reduction in carbohydrates in your system you will hold onto less water. Probably contributed to you feeling much better too.


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Re: Specific gym exercises for cricket.
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2020, 10:22:12 AM »

In terms of cricket specifics you want to build up cardio and core strength. Personally I'd be running 5x a week, because LISS cardio burns more calories than HIIT does because you can go for longer doing LISS and often people don't do HIIT right and therefore don't get the benefit. You want to be doing an absolute minimum of 20 mins cardio daily, be that walking uphill running climbing stairs etc etc. In terms of working out, t25 is decent from what I heard. Kettlebells are also pretty good for a full body workout, if I were you I'd get to a gym and focus on compound movements - squat bench deadlift, as they recruit the most muscle groups and therefore give you the best bang for your buck. There are plenty of free programs on the Internet which are fairly good, but also if you join a gym often they will give you a personal exercise plan free. May be worth looking into.

With regards to diet. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest that veganism is a cleaner or healthier way of living. If anything the science suggests that vegan diets are lacking in protein. So don't worry if you don't want to go vegan.

Ultimately its calories in vs calories out. If you burn more than you eat, you'll get leaner and vice versa.

I will say however, try to stick to clean foods such as lean protein lots of veg and complex carbs such as brown rice. This will help you lower your caloric intake too.

Top advice. Hardest bit is just kicking this all off I suppose.

Thanks Mate.
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