Last game was Sept 2018 and I don't think I'd have done anything differently, for what it's worth I think we will be playing a half season around July onwards...., being in London I love getting out of it to some lovely grounds in the Home Counties.last match was against little marlow in Bucks and a lovely place to play, got about 40 odd and played some decent shots.I could barely run thou and I knew then it wasn't just a badly pulled muscle and something was majorly wrong.From then it was physio for 6 weeks-hospital visits and MRI scans and soon after surgery(as I've probably bored everyone with) and an 18 month recovery period and cricket ruled out forever more by the consultant.
14 months on and today I could semi jog in the park so that's not too bad.The plan is just to play again I don't care who for or at what level(a second opinion said I probably will be able to play again sometime in the future).
It's a great game we all play,even when it gets frustrating id rather be on a cricket field on a Saturday than pretty much anywhere else.