Hey everyone. My quest for the perfect helmet continues.The test is size Large but feels and looks massive and the weight feels atrociously heavy. Whereas the elite is medium but didn't feel like the top of my head actually went in it. Does anyone know the thicknesses of the replacement vision series foams? Thick and extra thick) as I may have to get them for the test helmet. Or do I go for the OS2?
Sorry for the mugshots but trying to show the size difference
If you are in between then an OS2 large will probably fit. There are an array of foams though, i might have a few different options including some pro foams, send me a pm or email and i'll have a look.
The additional weight is likely to come in part from the grille being bigger on a large helmet. When I had my OS2 WK helmet made, I had a large shell and standard grille.