GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
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GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« on: November 21, 2020, 10:34:37 PM »

Hiya all - it seems like a fair few have already beaten me to posting about the GM Chroma, so I hope you don't get too bored reading about my purchase experience.

First of all, a big thank you to Rob @Six Sixes Cricket . I believe that Rob was actually the first person I ever bought a bat from online, back in 2012. It was a Black Cat Custom made in the shape of an M&H Distinction, albeit a much smaller sized one. I do regret selling that on without giving it a proper go, as the stickers were gorgeous, and the bat was made by one of the best.

Enough with my reminiscing, onto the purchase itself. I was a bit cheeky and offered to post up pictures for Rob, placing my order 2 minutes after receipt of the photos. Of course, @SOULMAN1012 got there before me, but it's okay, I still managed to snaffle 2 Chromas. (A 606 which isn't featured here, but is impressive too) Rob got it sent up and with me the day after some notes changed hands, and I received this.

Here is a close up of the grains:

A close up of the front sticker:

I had been anticipating a new GM model after a few whispers about GM potentially releasing a very popular profile which isn't far off what many pros use. Was it going to be a Kohli shape? Must have a duckbill, right? Every other pro uses that. Perhaps they're gonna copy Steve Smith's? And of course, the profile they were actually releasing was going to be based off of Ben Stokes' bat.

A review isn't a review unless we have the mandatory profile shots from numerous angles:

@InternalTraining Here's the bow:

Here is how the bat looks through the gauge. This was placed at the swell:

Any narrowing at the back? Pretty much none, the slope shown below will be because of the scuff sheet:

 :o :o :o Pictures before specs?

Weight: 2lb 9.0oz - up from 2lb 8.9oz last Friday
Edges: 37mm
Spine: 62mm
Toe edge: 19.5mm
Toe centre: 25mm
Shoulder edge: 16mm
Splice leading into handle: 37.5mm
Face Camber: 4-5mm
Width: 107-108mm throughout the face and also the back edge. No skimping on width here!
Pick Up: Subjective, but this feels quite light. I'd probably rate it as 2 on the GM Index. Feels light for 2.9.
Handle: Oval, and a nice medium thickness

One thing I think I'll note here is that the grips used by GM this year are pretty thin and light - around 1.2oz. This is around 0.6oz lighter than the Terrain grips used last season - I'm assuming it's to try compete in size for weight. Whether they're grippy enough can only really be determined after using the bat.

About this particular bat - it pings quite noticeably better than the 606. (Both have the same shape and specs) It does however have about 2oz to its advantage. However I have found that the bat just naturally pings exceptionally off the stains. (It really gives an almighty crack when you hit the stain around 23cm up from the toe) I can't imagine how big the 606 would be had it been the same weight, or even made into a 2.10!

In terms of hitting area coverage, I would say it starts waking up around 7.5cm from the toe (Where the lowest blemis/pin knot is) and responds decently around 30cm from the toe. (It's really tough to say how much purchase exactly you'd be getting from connections at those 2 extremes, but I'd imagine you'd get enough power to beat a fielder in close for a single. If in doubt, use the middle. :D)

Here's a tape measure just to give a rough idea of the middle position. I'd say it's around 20-24cm up the blade, so around a mid swell. :

Now - how does it actually stack up to the Ben Stokes Player Edition?

Well, short answer is that the profiles are pretty similar, however the Ben Stokes Edition is just more imposing in size. The spine height of 65mm and edges of 39mm mean that there's even more wood packed into the middle (You can see it fills out the gauge a little more), coupled with a little less tapering towards the toe and splice/handle. Responsiveness wise, there is a noticeable difference (It is just under 2oz heavier though) - however I think @Marc28 (At least I think that's Cricket Bat Info Marc's account) mentions is worth noting - chasing after a 'golden unicorn' of a bat that performs as good as the Players bats might net you around 15-20 runs more on aggregate throughout the season compared to a really good quality bat that suits you, but you really can't tell. It's entirely up to you whether that extra performance benefit will be worth the extra £400.

Many thanks to @Six Sixes Cricket - a retailer I would highly recommend to anyone. If you're looking to visit physically, (please don't at the moment) I hear he has a nice wee coffee machine. ;) If you do visit, please do knick his Custom GN for me, will exchange for some notes/coins. :D

Also, many thanks to the equipment used to help try measure/quantify things. (Calipers not pictured)

And lastly, thanks for reaching this part of the review. I do enjoy typing these up, but it is massively time consuming, so I'm grateful if you've spent the time to read, even if you think I just talk $H!+. (Do let me know if there's anything I don't cover, or that I am talking rubbish in) Hope it gives some good insight into what the Chroma is, and gives you an idea of whether its a bat that will suit you or not. :)
« Last Edit: November 21, 2020, 10:51:40 PM by Chad »


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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2020, 10:39:24 PM »

Top work mate, great review. Huge fan of those photos on the reflective table surface as well.


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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2020, 10:56:04 PM »

Top work mate. Looks a nice stick


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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2020, 11:03:17 PM »

Absolutely love mine! Picks up so much better than my PE Stokes did... mine weighs just under 2.8 (when I weighed Wednesday) and picks up like a wand, right up my street. Also have a bat on order which is similar shape so will be interesting to compare.

Top photos as per @Chad


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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2020, 11:21:39 PM »

Great review, love the effort put in.


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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2020, 01:21:10 AM »

Comparison with Ben Stoke's model is a good idea.

Chroma's shape looks like the shape of bats used by Virat Kohli. Or am I off here?

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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2020, 04:11:47 AM »

Great post and bats are awesome!


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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2020, 08:00:30 AM »

Comparison with Ben Stoke's model is a good idea.

Chroma's shape looks like the shape of bats used by Virat Kohli. Or am I off here?

There is a certain element of similarities between the two shapes that’s for sure.


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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2020, 09:47:18 AM »

So the Chroma has a closer profile to Stokes' bats than the Diamond range, which is Stokes' Bat (apart from the PE).

Make it make sense!

Great review though fella, look like lovely sticks. Good pics too.


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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2020, 10:23:46 AM »

Brilliant review - thank you.

Photo envy.

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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2020, 09:23:47 PM »

Good to see that piano back in vogue 👍


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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2020, 07:28:11 AM »

Also, many thanks to the equipment used to help try measure/quantify things. (Calipers not pictured)

And lastly, thanks for reaching this part of the review. I do enjoy typing these up, but it is massively time consuming, so I'm grateful if you've spent the time to read, even if you think I just talk $H!+. (Do let me know if there's anything I don't cover, or that I am talking rubbish in) Hope it gives some good insight into what the Chroma is, and gives you an idea of whether its a bat that will suit you or not. :)

An excellent review as usual@ @Chad. Do we see a possible Phantom Anniversary edition bat review soon from you?

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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2020, 07:45:13 AM »

Good to see that piano back in vogue 👍

I was thinking exactly the same thing when I was looking at the review 😀😀


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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2020, 01:32:04 AM »

Firstly, thanks Chad for the excellent and most thorough review - much appreciated :)
But if I may,

Pick Up: Subjective, but this feels quite light. I'd probably rate it as 2 on the GM Index. Feels light for 2.9.

Pickup.  It's always grated with me!  I've thought about this ever since discovering this forum, as it's always mentioned in any review, but it's always 'subjective'.
As you mentioned, GM have attempted to clarify this with their pickup index, but how does that relate to any other bat that isn't manufactured or indexed by GM?  Again, lots of room for personal opinions and guesses.
Why not take that huge grey area out, and replace it with something that's black and white?

'Pickup' is a function of three simple measurements - length, mass, and point of balance.
Point of Balance is easily measured by placing the bat across a cylindrical object (such as a horizontal beer can) and rolling it until the POB is found, mark the point and measure from there to the tip of the handle.
Measure the entire length of the bat, and divide POB measurement by this.  You now have POB as a %, which is indicative of where the middle is.  As an approximation I find .56 = high,  .58 = mid, .60+ = low.
The POB measured from the handle (mm), multiplied by the mass of the bat will give a meaningful measurement of what it will feel like in your hands.

For example, a 'high middle' bat might have a total length of 848mm, POB at 480mm, weight 1180g, so 480/848= POB% at .566     480mm X 1.180Kg = what I call a "pickup value" of 566,
a 'Low middle' bat might have the same length and weight, but POB at 520, so 520/848=POB% at .613    520mm  x 1.180Kg = a pickup value of 613,
and a junior size 6 'mid middle' bat having POB 462mm, length 790mm gives it POB% of .585     462mm X .921Kg = a pickup value of 425

It all seems so simple to me, I can help but wonder why nobody's ever used anything similar before?

Again, superb review, with great pics and information - thanks Chad.
I'm not directing this specifically at you, but at the forum in general.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2020, 10:46:27 AM by Chompy9760 »


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Re: GM Chroma Signature Review - from Six Sixes
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2020, 06:00:19 AM »

GMs pickup index is quite straightforward and is largely a function of dead weight (most of their bat shapes are well balanced , so you won’t find a bat that picks up heavier than dead weight). If there is a 3lb 2 oz bat that picks up like a 2lb 14oz bat, they’d still put a pickup index of 5 (or 4) on it.

I like the system - generally their bats that are 2lb 8 or less have a pickup index of 1. Most player bats are 2 or 3 (since the profile is so full)... and I’ve never seen anything above a pickup index of 4.

It’s subjective, and they say so themselves, but on their website they explain what type of batsman would benefit from what index. Once you try a few, you’ll calibrate your own preferences to GMs index - I personally find anything above 1, too heavy to use in a game, and anything above 2, too heavy to even “collect”
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