Exactly X2
That's the reason I went on about the Point of Balance in Chad's Chroma review.
I'd been out of cricket for 20 years. Still had a great bat that I bought in the 90's, but it was nearly 2 lb 14 which I thought was too much to swing, and justification to buy something lighter with a new shape.
Closest cricket shop with a decent range is 600km away, so I found a shape I liked, and bought one online that was about 2 lb 9. When it arrived, I was surprised to find that despite being 5 oz lighter, the pickup wasn't massively lighter than my old bat, all due to the Point of Balance being different. Knowing what I do now, it's hardly surprising.
When I put the weights and measurements into my caclulation, despite the new bat being being 10% lighter in dead weight, my calculated pickup factor was only 4% lighter.