A few other UK based batmakers that popped to mind, who may not be in the industry anymore:
White Willow Cricket -
@Beachcricket Unsure if they're still around
Affinity - Marcus moved on momentarily from batmaking
Dan Nicholls - I think he moved to Aus, but had 2 bats made by him which were guns
A few others I don't think have been mentioned:
Alex Hohenkerk -
@thebigginge Still making at GN, and not sure who else makes at Robertsbridge, but they've got more than 1 maker.
The Crick3t Lab - Nice chap called Luke, who is actually the son of Gary
@GDP1964 B&S. He has started shaping his own, learned from a VERY reputable baTmaKer.
@Perkins17 makes an outstanding bat
Outside the UK - ST Cricket
@mad_abt_cricket - currently on hiatus