I can see it from both sides. As a new small brand who has brought softs in recently, I can safely say there is no way you could sell these for £30 and still make any profit.....unless I'm being grossly overcharged. So saying you could try to compete at that level is quite frankly ridiculous.
Also to say all softs are the same isn't true. I've had samples from various suppliers, some are very poor and I wouldn't have been happy using them let alone putting my name to them. I've also seen some cheaper softs from brands on FB etc and can see the materials used are different in terms of quality, so suppose you pays your money.
I tweaked quite a few things in my designs and took care and attention to create a product I was happy with and I know others do the same. It's not about making huge sums of cash but we all have overheads and are all trying to create a business, providing quality kit, bats or whatever. This takes investment and hard work, but if it's just a matter of getting the cheapist kit then that's not a market you can compete in and build anything on.
As others do, I also hopefully offer more with my bats than just an off the shelf solution, to try to give maximum value and something different. Not many larger makers send x number of pictures of clefts, pictures throughout the process, will reply to 40 messages on specs etc etc, as it's just not sustainable....especially at CBF levels! 😂
Ultimately I have no issue with people buying abroad, it's a consumers right to purchase from who they like. They will always be people, both on the forum and elsewhere, who will want more than just a cheap set of softs and that's great. I've had orders from people who could have gone anywhere, but really thought it important to support a new, independent, local company and be part of their journey. Which ultimately is the only way anyone new to the industry will survive, from this kind of support. Surely a thriving UK batmaking industry is what we all want at the end of the day, which is thankfully still a consideration for many when choosing where to spend their money.
However, as I said that's not a dig away anyone who doesn't. We all have as choice, differing budgets and considerations.