First time damaging a bat in a terminal/detrimental way in a long time, (2016 - SS LE, the best bat I've ever used) so figured I'd start up a wee thread for any breakages during the season to pay respects to lost willow.
I had this beauty of a GN Oblivion Stealth Players, made in the UK, and probably a downgraded Pro Performance. Should still be covered under warranty, but heartbreaking nonetheless, as I had only used for one session. Absolutely creamed about 5 coverdrives in a row where I only leaned into the shots, and absolute cannon...
It was tiny too, 2.11, 56mm spine and 37mm edges - goes to show volume means nothing - all in the quality of the willow and the batmaker's skill.
Do share which ones you've broken, could even be past loves from a few seasons ago!