Greetings all,
Apologies if this has been dealt with long ago but couldn’t quite find my answer.
So I’ve knocked in my new blankbat for a good 6 hours with a standard mallet. (custom bat order but likely a b1/duckbilled shape @ 555L, mid-high middle for balance with thick oval handle, G2).
I thought seam marks were being left but it’s just marks on the antiscuff not the wood when glistened in the light.
So I’m confident it’s ready for playing-in, which sadly isn’t an option anytime soon.
Does a new or old ball on a string in a sock replace throw downs? Might take the playing-in process longer or is this virtually a good straight swap?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a new bat with fitted antiscuff so bit of a first for me.
Knocking in was mostly focussed on toe, edges & just under the splice to high-middle area but still dead sounding when ball/mallet hits these areas. No seam marks are left and can smash very hard with the mallet now with no indentations left. So I’m a bit miffed. Perhaps it’s just the profile of the bat? Middle pings and will only improve with time (including the outer edges).
Have given all the exposed areas of the bat 3 coats of oil over a 6 week period.
Bat has lost 4-5 ounces in weight since knocking-in process almost completed.
Cheers for any advice shared.