RNS on Facebook - Spoiler Alert
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RNS on Facebook - Spoiler Alert
« on: February 18, 2022, 03:14:20 PM »

Hi fellow batlovers

Ive been ofline for a long time, not having bought a proper bat since my lovely Red Ink crashed and burned.

Being a dane, not having any local shops around, we always end up buying online. While Uzi, IJC, and Hanif sells handpicked and pingtested bats, the majority of players end up buying off the shelf bats with a random "light" weight denomination and no clue on the look of the actual bat.

This made us gamble with good ol' benzasia. I bought a maxgrainer many moons ago from ebay, from a guy with this email: benzasia@yahoo.com not knowing that was actually RNS himself.

We have bought plenty of bats from the FB Auction, and if you dont make a fuzz, its cheap and easy. However, I bought a GN Stealth Limited Edt. India version for around $140 (cheap!) and it was announced as 2.8oz.
On reception, I checked the weight to be just around 2.13.

I told him that this made the bat useless to me, and asked if he could please weigh the bats and post a photo of the scale. He said return the bat, and buy locally so I could scale the bat myself. Scaling the bat takes too long, weight is an estimate. Then he  more or less banned me, and everyone on my FB friendslist from buying.

Just a little tale from us danes trying to buy bats we actually had a chance of seeing, and getting a few specs on before buying.
Physiotherapist, Cricketplayer and gear-nut who likes to fiddle with wood.

Ayrtek Cricket

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Re: RNS on Facebook - Spoiler Alert
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2022, 08:57:50 PM »

I’m sure most sponsors on here will supply you with pics and weighs of actual bats you can buy before shipping them. Given your location it shouldnt cost too much extra in courier fees than UK delivery.

I’ve got some lovely UK made G2 in stock at 2.8-2.9 I’d be more than happy to send over  :D
« Last Edit: February 18, 2022, 09:00:28 PM by Ayrtek Cricket »


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Re: RNS on Facebook - Spoiler Alert
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2022, 08:01:46 PM »

Not only most guys here but also Indian retailers do a fantastic job at showing you weights and specs of the bats. RNS is kinda weird. Their social media sucks but I visited them for example in Punjab where they have their manufacturing and it couldn't have been better. Albeit one of the two bats I got had a crack in the handle later on but after a replacement it turned out to be amazing. The other bat I got is still going strong after 3 years of regular use in indoor/outdoor trainings, matches and so on. Amazing balance too.
But yea don't order anything off their social media. Even no clue who handles that stuff for them.

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