Welcome to my own personal
unhealthy obsession rabbit hole! Where to start...
Others will (and already have) share some tips on bat making in general. I learnt a lot from going back through every bat making thread on here. It was mostly fun

And YouTube is great to see what some of the tools and techniques actually look like, although you'll start to notice a few subtle differences in the way, or order, different people make bats - each to their own, but overall the approaches are pretty similar.
I've probably made about a dozen of my own bats now over the last couple of years, and so am not an expert in any way. I start with a part-made bat, which as Jonny said is the best way to give it a go. I've only got a few hand tools, and with a bit of perseverance, have managed to make a few bats that I've used in games and even made for other people. One of the most enjoyable things has been noticing the (slight) improvement in my own methods, and at the same time, a new found appreciation for bat makers.
I have also become slightly obsessed with the engineering and physics behind cricket bats. You can see some of my ramblings here:
http://custombats.co.uk/cbforum/index.php?topic=48259.0There are some, although not lots, of papers published on cricket bat design, theory, etc... I got into the literature through this (freely available) Masters thesis on using AI to improve the shape of cricket and baseball bats. I even managed to recreate some of the work. The main topic probably isn't relevant, but a lot of the background is.
https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/24/items/1.0392675And in case you REALLY want to get into it, here's a very short list of some of the papers I've read:
• Brooks, R., J.S.B. Mather, and S. Knowles. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPOSITE CRICKET BAT. in Proceedings of ICCM–11. 2006. J. Materials: Design and Applications.
• Brooks, R.R., J.S.B. Mather, and S. Knowles, The influence of impact vibration modes and frequencies on cricket bat performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications, 2006. 220: p. 237 - 248.
• Curtis, D., B. Heller, and T. Senior, Methods for estimating moment of inertia of cricket bats. Sports Engineering, 2021. 24(1): p. 11.
• Eftaxiopoulou, T., et al., A performance comparison between cricket bat designs. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2011. 226(1): p. 16-23.
• Fisher, S., Experimental and finite element analysis of cricket bats. 2005, University of Bath.
• Grant, R.A., L. Taraborrelli, and T. Allen, Morphometrics for sports mechanics: Showcasing tennis racket shape diversity. PLOS ONE, 2022. 17(1): p. e0263120.
• John, S. and Z. Li. Multi-directional Vibration Analysis of Cricket bats. 2008.
• Kilpatrick, T., L. Mulcahy, and A. Blicblau, Improving the performance of cricket bats: An experimental and modelling approach. Sensoria: A Journal of Mind, Brain & Culture, 2016. 12.
• Mazloomi, M.S., Shape optimization of wooden bats using genetic algorithm and artificial intelligence. 2020.
• Mazloomi, S., M. Saadatfar, and P. Evans, Designing cricket bats using parametric modeling and genetic algorithms. Wood Science and Technology, 2020. 54.
• Mulchand, Y., A. Pooransingh, and R. Latchman. Determination of the “ Sweet Spot ” of a Cricket Bat using COMSOL Multiphysics ®. 2016.
• Symes, A.W., The effect of mass distribution on cricket bat playing properties. 2012, Loughborough University.
• Tinkler-Davies, B., M.H. Ramage, and D.U. Shah, Replacing willow with bamboo in cricket bats. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2021. 236(4): p. 255-265.
• Yang, D., et al., Mechanical properties of laminated bamboo under off-axis compression. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2020. 138: p. 106042.