Hypa is slightly higher swell than brava and Aion is higher than the Hypa from what iv seen ( and Aion iv bought) Aion is a mini players edition as was the chroma but seem to able to get the Aion at lighter weights then often seen the chroma at. Hope that helps
Are they all full profile. I know the Brava was fatter face than the Hypa, how does the Aion compare face wise?
+1 for the review.The one above at that price is seriously tempting!
I have no doubt of the quality,echoed on here by many,but never see any GM down south and am not in the least tempted at those prices,weird brand loyalty can be so regional
...they probably look better in the flesh,but bar Romida in Leatherhead,not many retail outlet options in SE now so mainly Newbery,Keeley and GN around my way,with a few Chase/BT Blades/H4L quite noticeable