Apolgies for bringing up an old topic but i have a similar problem at the moment, wondering if anyone else has had this problem? Basically the front of my Newbery pads are wearing ridiculously fast. I bought the pads hoping they'd last me a long but they will look crap by the end of the season the way they are going!
To be honest i havent used the pads much, About 6-10 nets and 2 short innings so they shouldnt have worn like this already, unfortunatly as they were bought on ebay it wouldnt be worth speaking to Newbery...
Heres a picture taken a week or so ago:
and heres a few more from today:
I've looked after them well and the insides look and smell new! Anything i can do to prolong the wear? not sure my student loan will stretch to a new pair next season.....