apologies i haven't been back to you all sooner on this.
winner has been chosen, go to my site and click on the facebook button you'll see the pictures of the bat before repair on there, finished repair shots will go on too.
my price will include anything you want doing to your bats, so if you need a new handle, a toe repaired and a full refurb you'll pay £35 plus obviously postage or courier fees on top.
i'll soon be adding a menu price list for smaller repairs, so keep your eyes out on the website.
i don't have personal experience in making or repairing bats, but in my work i've had the great pleasure to make personal contacts with many of the bat makers in this country, which is how i've been able to start this business and begin to deliver a quality service to cricketers of all levels.
finally, i've seen that there are many forum members that offer cheap repairs, and that's fine if you want a cheap repair.
i do quality repairs only, which is why i charge what i know is a fair price for the attention of skilled craftsmen to repair your bats.
i also offer a bat buying service and will soon be introducing a new service to cricket players.
feel free to go to my website and call me or e-mail me anytime.