Having decided to get a new helmet (with a ti grille) to replace my puma, i managed to get a great deal buying my mates masuri ti off of him before he went to Aus. Having tried it on quickly before it seemed like it would be fine, but in reality it doesnt fit my massive head. I could probably use it, but its probably not ideal. I even went and tried a brand new masuri on to see if this one wasnt the largest size, and that didnt fit either.
So not only now do i have a puma ballistic and a masuri, i still want to get a new helmet. First of all, does anyone else have similar problem and can recommend a helmet to use? I measured the circumference of my head at wortk with a bit of string and a ruler and it was roughly 64cm (masuri largest being 63cm).
Secondly, can a masuri ti grille work with any other brand of helment? I like the traditional shaped albions, was wondering if i could fit the girlle onto that?