It's quite funny to think of the new guys reading all about this untapped exclusive secret bounty of cheap, amazing second hand willow, seemingly at giveaway prices, counting each post as one more step towards this nirvana only talked about in hushed tones...
...Only to find a load of MSR's that people got for free, 3lb monsters that pick up like 3lb4, a GN Legend on it's 15th appearance in the FS section, and Nathrobbo's BAS at a £10 discount from the RRP (which I will promise to buy if it's not sold by next xmas
(That said, I do think it's a great move - and will make the FS section work better as the buyers will be more edumacated when they come to purchase etc)
Very amusing!!!!
I thought people were worried about poor little Johnny sitting at home, on his bed, in tears having been swindled out of his pocket money by the kashmir mafia?
Mostly what i hear is "ive been here longer so if theres a decent bat for a bargain price in the sale section then it should be mine not yours!!"......
I think there's plenty of willow for everyone!
And really, would the negligible costs saved by avoiding listing on ebay outweigh the sacrifice in market exposure?
Anyway, you see my post count... This is all very exciting for me!!! I feel like a refugee waiting for a temporary protection visa!!!