Having said that I'm sure if he did a Welsh, Northern, or any other accent people may have not taken any notice. He's only doing it for a joke, not to be racist or offensive....
No, sensible folk like you or I can see that, however there are alot of folk out there who live to be offended and cause a stink about these things. Sad state of affairs that someone can't do an innocent and affectionate impersonation of a friend without having to think about such things.
Swanny's Diary is hilarious!!! wonder why is it that people take offense on behalf of others??? Mushy clearly did not take offense at it in the slightest!!! I myself am asian (all be it with a cockney accent) but please dont patronise others with your faux offense!!! if I or others are offended we have the ability to make our own opinions known!!!! The world has truely gone mad!!!
I agree with you mate, he was only mucking about which is what most of us do on a daily basis. He brings a "Joe Bloggs" attitude to it and I think the man is the b*llocks. People take things way too seriously. I hope the powers that be don't ask him to be slightly more serious, wouldn't be worth watching otherwise
i dont think anyone on here was taking offence on behalf of others ............ just pointing out that , for somone with his profile this is the sort of thing that can get jumped on by the press etc