Whatever you do do not buy the Gray Nicolls Quantum bag. I had one last year. The quality of the material was extremely poor and the zips broke. After the first use the boot pocket had worn through and you couldn't close one of the zips. I sent it back (Barringtons were very helpful in that repsect).
I opted for the Salix Pod Pro in May. Very nice bag so far and much better quality material than the GN. Max I've filled it with was two pairs of batting pads, keeping gloves, usual batting kit, usual clothes, spikes, spare pair of artificial pitch boots, plus loads of space in the side pocket for scoring pens, towel, snacks, drinks bottle. Very pleased with it.
Only comment would be, if you are getting a wheelie and can find one with a metal pull handle rather than a soft one, it will wheel that much more easily. I think the Albions do this. If it's a big bag it does make it heavier, but boy is it easier in the long run!
I also have a massive Albion Pro Elite bag, which is frankly huge. You can get all your kit, plus the team's kit, plus a butler in it. Makes for something pretty heavy, but it's a solid, dependable, big bag, plus a home for a homeless person in the off season.