whats your fav bat profile out of all the companys
SS Jumbo
Strange one here...
If i went to a shop and saw two different bats i liked, priced differently, felt the same in hands etc, looked similar willow wise, is there anyway to know which will play better and whether the more expensive one is worth it? What would you do in this situation???
As i said may be a crap question but i am interested to know as i often find a couple of bats and wonder which is best for money!!
How to pick out a good bat is subjective, it is something that you are comfortable with and happy to play with. If you feel it is good that is the only opinion that matter as you are buying it.
Has the special stuff arrived yet?
Nope I've been very busy and the upshot is I have an order going in soon... so maybe!!!
can i have a free bat?
in seriousness, what are your most and least favorite aspects of your job? and which is your favorite SAF profile?
plus whats "the special stuff"?
Pressing and shaping that is where dreams are made

.... Sanding and sticking it in a box I hate it...
I like them all I do them because there mean something to me as they are worked out theoretically and then used practically. If I had to choose a toss up between SAF Audax and SAF Fab, actually probably the SAF Fab as it is easier to shape and sand
"the special stuff" is Inaugural Willow