Flare, was always on my mind and I always liked it and wanted to buy it! One of the prime reason to buy Flare was to see Umar Akmal play who I would say I admire. One of my team mate (ExtraCoverDrive Bhai) always told me that the way I bat Flare profile would work out well for me. So due to those factors I decided to buy one.
Weight of the bat is 2.7 but feel and pickup is impeccable. The feel in my hand of this bat is amazing but as much I praise I wouldn't say Flare's feel or pickup is better than Icon. Don't compare them Icon is in different class all together.
Again the order and everything was handled by cricketer13 Bhai. He ordered it for me from Mapperly Sports and bat came in two days time. Mapperly's service as usual is great and I think we have gotten used to Micheal's exceptional service. After buying so many bats from him this time he was kind enough to apply free GM shock absorba on my Flare which I found great because with shock absorba and Control grip underneath it feels great!
Won't be writing much as it would take your precious time so rather than text enjoy the pictures I have taken for you guys!
Again as I said was not intending to write a lot so if I missed anything and if you have any question(s) along criticism please don't hesitate to ask me.