tbh that's why I rarely sell any JJB/SD bargains on here. Members are savvy enough to know what the bat cost, but at the same time they expect you to take the risk of purchasing and pass on the bat at cost price (if it's a good example). Ebay is still the best place to shift this stuff as the market price for a bat is determined by what people believe it's worth. For that reason I often start my auctions at 99p.
If CBF wanted to set some market prices or guidelines for those wishing to sell these bargains on then I would offer them here first. Makes me sounds like a trader lol, I've only sold 4/5 bats ever!
That said, my team mates are the worst buyers in the world. They expect you to buy the bat, them to net with it, then to play a half dozen matches with it before deciding if they want it and expect you to sell it to them for £30. I saw a beautiful GM Flare 707 for £44.99 in JJB and texted 3 of my mates who desperately needed a bat with pics and not one brought it, or even the £25.49 GM Oblivion with those hidden good grains.