You're a GM boy now then
Did you see the Stig's bat Buzz? Everytime I asked what he uses and if he'll bring it along, he looks kind of nervous and suspicious!! Almost as if I would mug him on the way out of the barn if he did bring it!
That makes sense!! He took a real shine to the Charlie French and that was 2'9! And the 2'8/9 Screaming Cat was almost gone in his kitbag in a flash! Could you please do your absolute best to persuade the Stig to bring his match bat or his net bat? Do you think he uses a GM for matches and either an SS or SF in the nets, ala Ravi?
And appropriate trilby
Right, here are the pictures of my kit. Hope to make my Talisman the 3rd bat again (when i get it back!)Uploaded with